Fruit and Your Smile.


Fruit is essential to your body. It is ideal and highly recommended that people eat fruit always. This is also specially recommended for children. One of the worst mistakes people make is to think that fruit juices are substitutes for whole fruit. Fruit juice doesn’t give one all the benefits that whole fresh fruit provides. Ironically, fruit juice delivers high levels of sugar and high levels of acid capable of damaging the enamel. What are the benefits of eating fresh whole fruit? Here’s the thing: whole fruit provides fibre and other nutritional content that juice doesn’t have. The truth about fruit juice that most people won’t tell you is that it can lead to cavities, weight gain, or weight loss, as the case may be.

Another disadvantage of fruit juice, apart from producing enamel-damaging acid, is that it can lead to diarrhoea when children consume too much of it. Although fruit juice is popular among children of all ages, which makes it a popular choice for parents to consider buying, it is not the best choice. Parents should try as possible as they can to avoid giving their kids fruit juice, instead, they should consider the benefits of whole fruit and make it the choicest thing for their children.

Although the emphasis here is on children, adults should also evaluate what they consume. For instance, they should consider eating plenty of whole fruit in place of fruit juice. It is important to note that whatever you consume will positively or negatively affect your smile. Just as in the case of water, it beautifies your smile when you stay hydrated at all times by consuming as much water as you can. Remember, there’s not too much of a thing when it comes to drinking water. You are advised to drink and drink some more. On the contrary, when people deprive themselves of drinking enough water, the result is always hazardous- halitosis (bad breath), gum disease, among other health issues.

Best Way to Consume Fruit
It is best to eat your fruit and not drink it. That is to say, always get whole fruit to eat. Don’t use fruit juice as an alternative to whole fresh fruit. Purchase fresh fruit, wash and eat them. You could, if you wish, make fruit smoothies of your choice. It’s also super healthy to make smoothies.

Children should not be allowed to sleep with a bottle of juice beside them, except if the bottle contains water. Also, children and toddlers should not be offered juice in a bottle or sippy cup all through the day. Giving them limitless access to juice creates a continuous supply of sugar and high level of acid levels in the mouth, which may eventually lead to cavities.

2021-12-10T20:52:31+00:00 December 10th, 2021|0 Comments

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